We have been working on the VMS (Virtual Managed Server) service for a long time. You often ask about her and would like to see her with us at last. The first concepts are more than 4 years old. We have been working on two versions in the meantime, but we have not finished either of them. Either it failed on lack of time and forces for development or simply the chosen technology has already been surpassed. Everything is moving forward very quickly and we have also made progress. In the end, we decided to stick to our motto – we will make the best service that will suit the majority of our customers.
When you’re trying to please everyone
Originally we planned to make a service that would be as close to a VMS (Virtual Managed Server) as possible. We have processed hundreds of suggestions and we dare to say that we would be able to satisfy probably all of them. Moreover, everything was to be completely automated. More than a hundred checkboxes, parameters and settings. It looked complicated, but it could do everything 🙂 And it would “crash” the first time you changed it, or the changes would be too complex and complicated.
So the development took a long time (thank goodness) and new technologies came in, resulting in our cloud built on OpenNebula running on HPE Moonshots loaded in oil. While these new technologies have been a pain in the ass in 2018 and it took us a while to get everything debugged, there are undeniable benefits for next-generation services compared to VPS SSDs.
Gradually we added Docker and Kubernetes. Now our webhosting runs on these technologies. A huge step forward. It is no longer some ordinary NoLimit web hosting, but in fact a true cloud web hosting.
We had to sit down over VMS and decide whether to continue development (finally there was time for the service) or to build everything on new technologies. In the end, market demand decided. We told ourselves that we will not do a service for 98% of people, but “only” 90% :-).
Instead of VMS, there will be WMS
We set trends. We are innovative. We are constantly moving forward and moving fast. In 8 years we have dominated the hosting market in the Czech Republic and we are still moving forward. I stand behind our efforts, our development and constant innovation, not only in technology but also in new services.
So we finally abandoned the original intention of VMS (Virtual Managed Server), although the programmers were busy with it and in fact they were quite close. However, if you want to be a successful market leader, you need to know when the technology is outdated and what the ever-changing market actually wants and will demand in the years to come. So we abandoned the VMS concept and focused on WMS.
WMS or Webhosting Managed Server (sometimes we call it WEDOS Managed Server 🙂 ), will run on the technologies on which we will operate WEDOS Cloud and the new generation of web hosting NoLimit set up since November 2017 and VPS ON. This technology, although we had a lot of trouble with it, optimizing it and finding bugs, brings great benefits especially for the future. It is more stable, fully redundant, can respond quickly and efficiently to hardware problems, scales conveniently, and is ready for next-generation hardware and future market requirements.
As you can guess, the new WMS will mostly run on Docker and Kubernetes, just like our current next-generation NoLimit shared web hosting. With the difference that there will only be a dedicated funds option. It will not be a classic shared web hosting, which we offer so far, but it will be a dedicated service. Yours will be the processor, dedicated memory and part of the disk (or all of it – it depends on the variant). The most you’ll be able to buy is a complete razor in an HPE Moonshot CPU quad core 3.4 Ghz (8 threads of 3.8 Ghz in turbo mode), 64 GB of RAM and 980 GB on an NVMe SSD. Of course, additional storage will be available for an additional fee and 1 Gbps connectivity will be included. Basically, you will have your own dedicated server that will be very powerful (or as powerful as you pay for) and you will have our complete administration and management from our side.
If the parameters are not enough for the whole project, you will be able to buy more WMS and on one of them you will have resources for webserver and on the other one you will have only database. We are also planning other service options on Docker. Simply put you can build it however you want 🙂
And what will it actually do for you? In the end, we “brushed” everything down to what you want us to do most and tweaked it for maximum performance. Everything is focused on the web, web applications, and issues related to running applications as a web service. Your WMS will run our managed operating system, Apache webserver (possibly Nginx in the future) and MySQL database with Master-Slave replication (possibly Docker container with PostgreSQL sometime in the future). To do this, you will have our HTTP(S) proxy server(s) to handle static requests. This will ensure extremely high performance, stability and resistance to attacks. The mailserver will be external on our servers, which are tuned and fully redundant.
Everything will look the same as on our NoLimit. If you are satisfied with it and lack dedicated performance or some configuration options (such as individual PHP parameters), then WEDOS WMS will be the service for you. Simply order and you don’t have to set up anything else. If you want to set something up, you can set it up yourself as needed and completely individually for each site. In the administration you will find advanced webserver, PHP and database settings. You’ll be able to change the limits of virtually anything in PHP, run various functions, and basically break the whole thing at will 🙂 It’s your service and if you overload it we don’t care, the resources are reserved for you. Of course, you will have a button to return the settings to “factory defaults” 🙂
You will therefore be able to set up as many services as you need within the ordered (and reserved) performance, and you will be able to set up and change each of them individually at any time. You will be able to create, for example, a public website and a test environment and swap them with “one” click. But there will be many more opportunities and benefits.
In addition, you can access the server via SSH. But that’s the end of it. WMS won’t do anything else because most of you don’t need it either. Those who want to start TeamSpeak or node.js on the server will soon have other services ready for them (for example WWS – WEDOS Web Services) or VPS ON.
So what will the service be able to do?
- Dedicated resources (CPU, RAM, disk space) in the scope of the client’s order
- up to 4 3.4 Ghz cores (8 threads of 3.8 Ghz in turbo mode, more in the future), up to 64 GB of RAM (more in the future) and 980 GB of NVMe SSD space (more in the future and different tier storage options)
- all the same settings as the current NoLimit web hosting plus all of the following
- proxy servers for handling static requests and greater performance and caching
- HTTPS (SNI) support included and Let’sEncrypt included
- Apache webserver (probably also Nginx in the future)
- possibility to create unlimited number of separate web hosts according to the client’s needs (so you don’t have to use the current setup using aliases)
- possibility of aliases for web hosts
- the possibility of using not only II, but also III (and possibly IV) domains (for example blog.wedos.cz or www.blog.wedos.cz)
- possibility to use Apache settings with or without * (with specific addresses) for individual sites
- possibility to set up common directories for multiple sites or multiple FTP accounts
- option to use (or not use) .htaccess
- limiting the number of connections to individual services
- PHP version in several variants (as with NoLimit web hosting)
- completely individual PHP parameters as needed for each service (for example allow_url_fopen, allow_url_include, apc.enabled, auto_append_file, auto_prepend_file, display_errors, accelerator.enable, html_errors, ignore_repeated_errors, ignore_user_abort, implicit_flush, log_errors, magic_quotes_gpc, max_execution_time – as needed, max_input_time – as needed, max_input_vars – as needed, memory_limit – as needed, output_buffering, post_max_size – as needed, session.auto_start, session.cookie_httponly, session.cookie_secure, session.use_cookies, session.use_only_cookies, upload_max_filesize – as needed, xcache.cacher)
- different number of PHP processes according to the needs of each service
- different PHP process priorities for individual services
- MySQL size according to customer needs and space purchased
- redundant MySQL configuration in master-slave mode
- 1 Gbps connectivity
- IDS/IPS protection
- DDoS protection
- possibility to filter permits/locations by country for an additional fee
- IPv4/IPv6 support included
- SSH access
- data backup
- e-mailserver included in the price for all domains (shared space and options to increase as with NoLimit web hosting)
- high availability of services (caching, proxy servers, redundant MySQL, fencing – in case of an outage, a new server starts in a few tens of seconds)
- soon with the possibility of operation in 2 datacentres
What about the price?
Since these are dedicated funds, it will be a lot more expensive than NoLimit. On the other hand, you get power all to yourself. Of course, we will put what we can into additional services so that we don’t unnecessarily impose things you don’t need. Most of the above will be included, but some things will be extra.
For the most demanding of you, we are planning the possibility of redundant operation of several WMS simultaneously, where in case of failure or overload of one WMS, we will take care that the operation is taken over by another WMS. Data between them will be synchronized in real time. So you don’t have to worry about the power not being enough. We can back this up with an SLA, but this will be a B2B/VIP service that you will arrange individually with our salesperson. He’ll take care of everything.