Everyone needs a vision and a strategy, otherwise they are lost

A word…

Let me introduce a little essay exercise. I have been reflecting for some time on the development and future direction of our country. At the same time, I am working on changing the direction of our company. The better I feel about my company, the more sad and worried I feel about the future of our country.

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Open letter to the government or energy poverty is coming

Prime Minister, honourable Government,

let me write my opinion in the form of an open letter.

Prime Minister, you know that we met last year when you visited our company. In January this year I wrote you a letter saying that I was glad you were saying and doing unpopular things. Unfortunately, with the passing of a few months, probably with the upcoming elections, I see it a little differently. It is necessary not to be political, but to solve things. It is necessary to address current problems acutely and openly with the people.

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The first website shut down under §7b probably didn’t have to be shut down after all

Yesterday, we regret to inform you that we had to shut down the first website under Section 7b. In terms of the letter of the law and the authority used, we had no objection. The request was approved by the public prosecutor, who is under the authority of the judiciary.

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First website deleted from the Internet based on the new Section 7b of the Criminal Procedure Code

Today 13. 3. 2019, at 9:56 a.m., we received the first call for immediate shutdown of the website under the new Section 7b of the Criminal Procedure Code, which we have criticized in previous articles. We acted quickly and without delay, as the law dictates.

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As we set out to fight for freedom, not just internet freedom – Section 7b needs to be changed!

It started with a visit from the police presidency, who told us in a very graphic way that Section 7b, which allows the police to shut down any website or server or other similar service for up to 90 days, had been quietly passed. Without the consent of the court, the prosecutor, and with complete impunity and without consequences. We did not believe that such a thing was possible in a democratic country. We could have looked away and accepted it, but we decided to speak up. It started with an article You want to destroy the competition? Czech laws are here for you!.

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