WEDOS is opening a new branch

What if we told you that the largest Czech hosting company, which has pulled ahead of all competitors on the market in 31 months and is still increasing its lead, has no real sales or marketing department? There are no marketers offering our services, no SEO specialists, marketing strategists or other experts. There are actually just 50 of us here, and 5 of them are non-IT people – an accountant, a cleaning lady, two event managers and one colleague who helps with invoicing. The rest of the staff are programmers, sysadmins, technicians, networkers and so on. Thanks to them, WEDOS was created and made it to where it is now.

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WEDOS 2024: Rising costs. Price changes. What you get for it.

Remember when we started in 2010? Our goal was to bring premium hosting services to the Czech Republic at prices that would be affordable for everyone. And we did it! In just 31 months we have climbed to the top among hosting services in the Czech Republic and since then we have been pulling further ahead. But in order keep providing the best service and evolving further, it’s time to take an important step. Inflation affects everyone. Costs are rising at a staggering pace. We want to maintain quality and constantly innovate, so we have to raise prices as well. It’s an investment in the future – in services that run your websites and that you can always rely on.

Continue reading “WEDOS 2024: Rising costs. Price changes. What you get for it.”

Open letter to the government or energy poverty is coming

Prime Minister, honourable Government,

let me write my opinion in the form of an open letter.

Prime Minister, you know that we met last year when you visited our company. In January this year I wrote you a letter saying that I was glad you were saying and doing unpopular things. Unfortunately, with the passing of a few months, probably with the upcoming elections, I see it a little differently. It is necessary not to be political, but to solve things. It is necessary to address current problems acutely and openly with the people.

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Winning the Winter 2020 Apple iPhone 12 Pro and 100 more prizes

We have the official results of the big winter competition for the Apple iPhone 12 Pro and 100 more prizes. This competition was held from 01.11.2020 to 20.12.2020 and was open to our customers who buy a new or extend an existing hosting service and customers of our partner who have taken out an insurance policy over CZK 100.

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