How an alleged employee slanders us (1)


Today, a blog by an alleged employee of ours decided to defame us. But it’s going to be a little different, more like a new banana.

Not so long ago, there was a website, which pretended to be an independent test of web hosts. But what wasn’t happening – none of the webhosts were getting along well and a lot of things didn’t fit, with the only exception being Baná So it was no surprise that after our intensive search we found out that the domain registration was paid at the post office in Ostrava. From there, it wasn’t far to finding out who was behind it. After consulting with their lawyers, they cancelled it immediately.

Now it seems that the next wave of “bananas” is coming. If someone can’t compete with us on service and price, they have to try and slander us. This time the trail does not lead to the north of Moravia, but rather to Prague. Let’s see.

Our alleged employee has set up a website (address modified and a screenshot of the site is at the end of the article). The first article reports on how we got it wrong with power.

The alleged employee set up a domain and website in the US, probably to escape any possibility of tracing his trail. The domain and web hosting are in a fake name that does not exist in the Czech Republic (according to the database of names and surnames). There are fake friends from Asia etc. on the Facebook profile. and the profile photo was stolen from a foreign modeling agency’s website.

After reading the article, we are relieved – it is not our employee who would want to harm us and bring out some internal information. A lot of things don’t fit.

On his blog, the introduction says that “ I have been working on WEDOS technical support since 2013 “. But it has a fundamental flaw. This year only 3 new people have joined support 14 days ago and they certainly don’t have any information about what our support is like yet, they are still being trained in the basics of support.

Further on Facebook, our “employee” wrote: “ In addition, according to CEZ, you only have one inlet in the building. ” This also implies a lot:

  1. If he was our employee and lived in South Bohemia, he would know that this region is under the management of EON and not CEZ.
  2. The fact that he had to find out how many connections we have somewhere means that he doesn’t know anything about our connection, so he can’t be our employee either.

If anyone does not believe our arguments, we will be happy to welcome them and show them everything in person.

There is no risk of an outage at WEDOS

In the first article of our “employee” the following things do not add up.

WEDOS does not have a transformer station, but at least in Hluboká (and probably in the whole country in the towns) the LV distribution lines are rounded. To each LV connection in our street there are two independent paths from two transformer stations running in parallel. So when one substation burns down or is serviced, the other one takes over without failure (or maybe with a small failure). And so, in general, the failure of any one substation does not seem to bother most towns at all, and this is also the case in Hluboká. It may be worse only in villages and isolated areas, or in industrial agglomerations where there is no spare capacity when one substation fails.

We are absolutely sure of this, as we saw and dealt with it a year ago when we connected a new LV connection for us. We will be happy to show our “staff” in the EON cabinets right in front of our building, where one loop of two substations ends.

By the way, we have somewhere to put any substations we may own. If he were really our employee, he might know about our plans for building modifications to achieve this. But we don’t need our own substation yet. It would be an unnecessary waste and would not bring anything. Perhaps just more worries, more costs and more risks.

About the alleged problem with our generator

  1. “Employee” says we test the generator every month. But he was wrong. We test it every week on a specific day and time. How does he not know?
  2. We’ve got diesel hauling figured out and practically tested.
  3. A larger or second generator would fit. In fact, a real employee of ours would know that we have previously had the necessary structural modifications designed to accommodate two large 700 kVA generators, but they are not needed yet. Again, it would be a waste.

Furthermore, it is not true that a UPS failure means a power failure. For the following reasons:

  1. In the datacenter we actually have 2 independent power supply branches to the servers, each with its own independent UPS. Each server has two power supplies, one connected to one branch, the other to the other. So even if a UPS does break down enough to interrupt the power supply, there is a second power branch and there is no outage.
  2. When a UPS does break down (and we don’t hide the fact that it has), it’s not true that the power supply is interrupted. UPS in a fault falls into the internal by-pass (input and output are connected) and the power to that branch goes on (just not backed up until the repair).
  3. Our newer UPS does not have batteries in series. A real employee of ours would know that we special ordered and wired it in a configuration with two parallel battery branches (i.e. 2 independent series). Proof: photos of the wiring (on the bottom left you can see two battery leads – two pluses, two minuses).
  4. When wiring up the new UPS, contrary to our “employee’s” claim, you did indeed make a switch to a different branch. We didn’t need an external by-pass to do this, because we simply turned off one branch completely for a few hours. But it didn’t matter because all the servers were powered by the other branch. This is also something that our employee definitely needs to know.

All of this our real employee should know, or hasn’t been to the server room in the last year.

What’s next?

It has already been promised that there will be a critique of our free-cooling, followed by a critique of our routers, and finally a critique of our fiber optic routes. Free-cooling works great, economically and reliably. The routers work flawlessly and can handle extremely strong DDoS attacks. Our optical paths are independent and have not a centimeter of overlap. Well, that’ll be interesting… We’ll see what else we learn.

We look forward to more articles about us. But we recommend you find out more up-to-date and accurate information. Maybe you’d better come and see us first.

Details of our installations and full photo galleries can be found on our website:

Photo gallery of wiring and datasheets of our datacenter –

What are we responding to?

Screenshot of the site we are responding to (just for preservation). We assume that this is part of the competition and so will be evidence before changes are made.