WEDOS Global connects to the heart of the Finnish Internet to the FICIX Internet node


On Tuesday 10. On October 2023, at exactly 7:45 a.m., the first packets from the members’ network flowed through FICIX, Finland’s largest Internet node, to WEDOS Global. This is particularly important for customers targeting the Northern European market, as DNS server responsiveness and distribution of cached content will be significantly improved for their visitors.

FICIX (Finnish Communication and Internet Exchange) is the most important Internet Exchange Point (IXP) in Finland. FICIX provides peering services, allowing different ISPs and networks to exchange traffic directly with each other instead of routing that traffic through external networks, resulting in faster and more efficient data transfers.

We are connected to FICIX via our servers in Helsinki. This is one of the oldest WEDOS Global points launched on 31. May 2022. This point is also very important as it captures most of the problem traffic from Russia.

Immediately after the connection, traffic from FICIX members started flowing through it, which can be seen in the traffic graph for that location. Of course, there is still a lot of tweaking to do.

These peering connections are key to speeding up WEDOS Global’s response and we are gradually implementing them both in Europe and the rest of the world. However, Europe is crucial for us at the moment, as we want to be among the top 5 most reliable and fastest DNS providers in Europe.

At the same time, we’re finalizing a new solution for caching your website content that early testers say is “truly luxurious” and a “must have”. This takes the whole WEDOS Global Protection service to a whole new level. Under ideal conditions, the reverse proxy returns the cached content in 0.001 seconds. That’s 1 ms. The only thing that matters is the connectivity between your visitor and our site that distributes the cached content to him, which is on average 15.71 ms in Europe, 22.25 ms in North America, 97.29 ms in Asia, 19.63 ms in Oceania, and 62.87 ms in Africa. Only South America is a problem for us, where we currently have 133.87 ms. However, this will be solved by the sites we have already arranged here.