Information about connectivity problems of virtual servers on 26.3.2013
On March 26, 2013, at 12:43 PM, packet losses began to occur on the virtual server network. The situation varied, some of the packets were lost, sometimes the connection didn’t work at all. The problem was finally solved at 13:30.
Connectivity failures of the virtual servers occurred between 12:43 and 13:30, i.e. for a total of 47 minutes.
We apologize for the inconvenience. You can complain about non-compliance with the availability guarantee using the contact form.
There was no failure of the main routers or connectivity to the Internet. Drops or unusual traffic flows on the traffic graphs are the result of problems in routing to the VPS network, not the cause.
Web hosts were not affected by the problem at all.
Update (1.4.): During the subsequent investigation of the causes of the outages, a configuration error in one of the routers was detected, which in a non-standard situation caused a problem in routing and specifically in the unavailability of the network with virtual servers. We have corrected the mistake and put measures in place to prevent a repeat of the problem.
We solved the problem immediately a few seconds after it occurred, unfortunately it took a long time to solve the outage as there were several problems and it was not clear what was the cause and what were the consequences.