As of today, the possibility of ordering and payment of orders by transfer to our Slovak account in EUR has been deployed. A full price list of services in EUR is also available.
A complete price list of our services in EUR is now publicly available. There is a currency switcher on – you can switch between CZK and EUR – you will see all prices on the site in the selected currency. All services can be ordered in both currencies.
For domains and web hosting, there is no need to select a currency when ordering. After ordering, you will receive a payment invitation, which contains instructions for payment in CZK to a Czech bank and also details for payment in EUR to a Slovak bank.
For VPS and dedicated servers, select the currency CZK or EUR in the first step of the order. Select Euro only if you want to make a bank transfer to our account in a Slovak bank. If you want to pay by any of the online methods (credit card, PayPal, etc.), leave the order in CZK.