As we add the necessary staff, we are gradually expanding the hours when customer support is available. It is now 7:00-23:00 on weekdays and 12:00-20:00 on weekends. NONSTOP technical supervision is a matter of course.
As of this week, the new working hours of our customer support are in effect:
- working days: 7:00 – 23:00
- weekends: 12:00 – 20:00
These are the minimum times we are available for chat and email. Outside of these times we are often available by email, occasionally by chat.
We don’t have telephone support yet, but we expect to launch it during January. As we add and train additional staff, customer support hours will continue to be expanded until we reach our target of NONSTOP support on weekdays, weekends and holidays.
NONSTOP technical supervision is a matter of course – whenever there is any problem on our network or on any server or it is signalled that such a problem is coming, our technicians on standby are immediately notified by SMS and act immediately.