From 1.10. new rules of CZ.NIC came into force, which regulate the release of non-renewed domains after their expiration.
So-called. The protection period, i.e. the period of existence of the domain after its expiry, has been extended from 45 days to 60 days by:
- the first 30 days the domain is fully functional (it is in the DNS zone)
- for the next 30 days the domain is no longer working (but it is still possible to extend it and restore its functionality)
Eventually, on the 61st day after expiry, it will be cancelled. However, not at 14:00 as it has been the case so far, but randomly throughout the day.
With the last mentioned change, CZ.NIC apparently wants to prevent the occasional overload of the domain registry, when many registrars started to furiously snap up interesting domains at 14:00. From now on, the exact moment when a domain will be released will no longer be known.