Better and stricter filtering of attacks and unnecessary robots in web hosting

In the second half of 2015, we launched our IPS/IDS (Intrusion Prevention Systems and Intrusion Detection Systems). At first it was only tasked with monitoring traffic on our servers (it was an IDS). We were surprised by the huge number of attacks. For example, the number of attacks on the WordPress login page (wp-login.php) averaged 8 per second. Early last week (15.4.2019) we compared it and it was already a whopping 63 attempts per second. And we can only detect activity on HTTP so far. However, more than half of our services already use HTTPS.

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How the DC1 modernisation is going – April 2019

Modernization of our first datacenter “Bunker” started last October. It was a long-planned project based on the newly gained experience with the DC2 construction and especially with the currently ongoing TIER IV certification. We had to start thinking differently, find new technologies and also adapt to the technological trends of today and the near future.

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