Our CML (Central Monitoring Logs) system continuously collects data from all servers and other devices on our network and evaluates it in real time. This is 600 – 700 GB of data per day. It serves primarily for the purpose of tracking down errors and problems. However, we also use them for our protection, for example. But what if we made them into an infographic?
The near future or what awaits us now
We regularly write about upcoming services such as WMS, WEDOS Cloud or B2B/VIP. However, these are more or less at the door. Specifically for WMS, we are fine-tuning the final details for the public beta test and expect to launch the service in August. WEDOS Cloud is stuck on a few small issues that the engineers will soon resolve and we are testing the final details. The new B2B/VIP is already in test operation. As far as the WEDOS 2 Datacentre is concerned, they are already finishing the works there so that the test operation can start after the holidays. The Datacent WEDOS 1 upgrade has successfully completed the first part of two. But what’s next? 😉