ISO certification and new ISO 27001 certificate


We have been ISO 9001 and 14001 certified for 2 years. We added one this year. The new certificate is ISO 27001 – ISMS – Information Security Management System, i.e. ISO focused on information security.

Already in 2011 we successfully passed the ISO 9001 – QMS – Quality Management System certification, i.e. ISO focused on service quality and ISO 14001 – EMS – environmental management system, i.e. ISO focused on environmental protection. The process of previous certification is described in our article.

ISO 27001 certification from TÜV SÜD

We have good news for all our current and future customers. We have successfully passed the ISO 27001 – ISMS – Information Security Management System certification, i.e. ISO focused on information security, which has also been one of our long-term goals.

This ISO 27001 certification from TÜV SÜD focuses on a systematic approach to managing the security of confidential information, covering employees, processes, IT systems and even company strategy. Simply put, we had to comply with international requirements for information security management.

What does this mean for customers?

For you, for example, this means official confirmation that your data is protected in accordance with the legislative requirements of Act 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data. But it doesn’t stop at personal information. It also applies to your scripts, databases and other data that could be physically stolen. The WEDOS data centre has passed and complies with international standards.

But there is much more. For example, each device in the WEDOS datacenter has its own documentation card, which must be regularly updated whenever something happens to the device or it undergoes a revision. Whether it’s a UPS, a monitor or an extension cord. At the same time, each device is assigned a worker who can work with it and has undergone appropriate training.

The certification also included the preparation of a security audit. Most of us have seen something like this for the first time in our lives, so we were surprised that, for example, kidnapping a programmer is considered less serious than damaging a UPS. Yes it sounds logical, but when you see the loss of equipment and colleagues next to each other it looks quite unusual.

While the audit did not find any deficiencies, we did receive several recommendations that will help improve safety in the future. Most of the time, this involves certain processes, such as more thorough registration of foreign persons. Until now, we identified the postman by his face, but now he will have to show us his ID card.

Obtaining this certification was quite paper intensive, but we consider it a necessity nowadays. As our customers, you need to be sure that no one can access your data unless they are legally entitled to do so.

What does each ISO certification bring to our customers?

We do ISO certifications primarily for our customers. So read the meaning and purpose of each certificate.

ISO 9001 (QMS – Quality Management System)

  • brings a stable and constant quality of service
  • the entire company and all processes in the company are based on compliance with legal standards
  • all processes and activities within the company have their order based on predefined rules
  • we have preventive measures in place to avoid defects and failures in the services we provide
  • it is a step towards increasing the credibility of our company in the eyes of our customers and partners

PDF: CZ | EN | PL | RU | FR

JPG: CZ | EN | PL | RU | FR

ISO 14001 (EMS – Environmental Management System)

  • demonstrates our positive relationship with the environment
  • the basis is the protection of the environment and the prevention of environmental damage in our society
  • all our actions are aimed at minimising the environmental impact of our activities
  • prevent any damage to the environment

PDF: CZ | EN | PL | RU | FR

JPG: CZ | EN | PL | RU | FR

ISO 27001 (ISMS – Information Security Management System)

  • demonstrates that we can systematically identify information security risks and mitigate them
  • we have plans to manage business continuity in the event of man-made or natural emergencies
  • we have better protection of confidential information and reduce the risk of hacker attacks
  • we can cope more quickly with the consequences of an attack and improve the ability of our systems to cope with the consequences of emergencies
  • we have developed a structured and globally accepted information security methodology
  • we comply with legal and contractual requirements

PDF: CZ | EN | PL | RU | FR

JPG: CZ | EN | PL | RU | FR


The audit itself was a several-hour inspection of all documents and requisites. Our final thanks go to the consulting firm Advis Consulting, s.r.o. for their excellent cooperation in preparing all the documents. Thanks to Advis Consulting, s.r.o., the certification itself was only a pleasant culmination of several months of preparation. Cooperation with Advis Consulting, s.r.o., represented by Ms. Ing. Pavla Marková and Ing. Vít Šikýř, we can only recommend!

Message for customers

We believe that our customers will appreciate this step! We did ISO certification for our customers! Customers need to be assured that there are no surprises in store, and we want to demonstrate that we are serious about quality of service, environmental protection and information security.