Hosting News August 2011


A regular summary of the latest information, news and enhancements to our hosting services and information on things coming up

We bring you a summary of the latest information and news about our services – domains, web hosting and server hosting – and the operation of our datacenter.

  • After 11 months since the launch of our services we have 8190 active web hosts, 1080 VPS, 30 dedicated servers and 28100 domains under our management.
  • All year long we are competing for a Škoda Octavia. All customers who order and pay for a new service with us by 19.12.2011 are entered into the draw (also applies to domain re-registrations).
  • For every paid web hosting or VPS order for 1 year you will receive a WEDOS t-shirt (valid for services ordered and paid for no later than 28th August).

News in web hosting

  • The action is still running .EU domain for free web hosting – order web hosting for a new .EU domain with us and we will register it for 1 year for free.
  • Also, the 1 year free web hosting promotion is valid again. Anyone who orders and pays for web hosting at the time of the event will automatically get another year free of charge.
  • Customers can change some PHP configuration parameters themselves via the customer center – e.g. display_errors, output_buffering, register_globals, session.auto_start, etc.(more information)
  • For web hosts, as a precautionary measure against proliferating cases of mass spamming max. number of emails sent per day – from PHP and via our SMTP server, a maximum of 500 emails can be sent per day. If customers need to send more, they can ask us for an increase.(more information)

Domain News

  • DNSSEC technology for CZ domains registered with us is already in full operation. We did not encounter any problems during the testing period. So far, 150 customers have activated DNSSEC with us. In time, we will make DNSSEC available for other domains as well.

News at VPS

  • We now offer VPS with pre-installed Fedora ISP package, which includes Apache, PHP, MySQL, mailserver (SMTP, POP3, IMAP, antivirus, antispam), DNS server and ISPConfig control panel. It is a complete alternative to our web hosting for more demanding customers.
  • For VPS, it is possible to change the password to KVM via the customer center(more information)
  • There is a form for requesting to add a CD/DVD to the VPS connection menu(more information)

What we are preparing

  • possibility of payment of orders in EUR to an account in Slovakia, the current time expectation is mid-September
  • mass actions with services – re-registration, changes to billing data, etc.