We know how to do services cheaply and in bulk, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t big companies with big projects

When designing services, we think first and foremost about automation, as this is the basis for rapid growth and selling a large number of services at the lowest possible price. From ordering and paying for the service, to setting up, upgrading, activating additional services and cancelling the service, everything is done automatically. When you move to a cloud infrastructure, your service can even automatically change physical servers based on the current load to avoid congestion. Automation does everything faster, safer and more efficiently than humans. This is our vision, which we have been successful in achieving so far.

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Christmas at WEDOS and how this year has been a mess

This year everything got pretty messed up for us, as it did for most of us. We had to improvise a lot, adapt to the current situation and overcome many problems. Fortunately, we are no longer a small company, but a successful large hosting company with plenty of financial and material reserves and a great team of people who have gained a lot of experience over the past 10 years and this year it was evident.

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Data centre WEDOS 3 “kravín” – first virtual view

So far, 2020 is a very action-packed year for us. Several services are close to completion(WMS, WEDOS Cloud), others are being prepared for beta tests or are already being tested (WEDOS CD, WEDOS WebSite). It’s a good thing we recruited 5 new colleagues last year and will be adding more in February 🙂 However, we also moved forward with our third datacenter project. Since it will have sloping roofs and be in the countryside, we call it a “cowshed” 🙂

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The near future or what awaits us now

We regularly write about upcoming services such as WMS, WEDOS Cloud or B2B/VIP. However, these are more or less at the door. Specifically for WMS, we are fine-tuning the final details for the public beta test and expect to launch the service in August. WEDOS Cloud is stuck on a few small issues that the engineers will soon resolve and we are testing the final details. The new B2B/VIP is already in test operation. As far as the WEDOS 2 Datacentre is concerned, they are already finishing the works there so that the test operation can start after the holidays. The Datacent WEDOS 1 upgrade has successfully completed the first part of two. But what’s next? 😉

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