Preparations for the launch of the WMS and WEDOS Cloud test run are at their peak

Beta tests of WMS and WEDOS Cloud services are over. Dozens of testers provided us with very valuable feedback that allowed us to take our services one step further. It’s taken longer than we planned, but if you’re working on a revolutionary service that’s supposed to outperform the competition, you have to expect to hit a number of snags.
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How we protected our customers’ sites from a critical bug in the ThemeGrill Demo Importer WordPress plugin

On Monday 17.02.2020, thousands of our customers’ websites faced a massive security vulnerability that could have completely wiped out their websites in a split second.

Or one detective story from behind the scenes of WEDOS. No censorship.

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Data centre WEDOS 3 “kravín” – first virtual view

So far, 2020 is a very action-packed year for us. Several services are close to completion(WMS, WEDOS Cloud), others are being prepared for beta tests or are already being tested (WEDOS CD, WEDOS WebSite). It’s a good thing we recruited 5 new colleagues last year and will be adding more in February 🙂 However, we also moved forward with our third datacenter project. Since it will have sloping roofs and be in the countryside, we call it a “cowshed” 🙂

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